How to Create an Effective SEO Content Strategy

By Karen Finn, PhD | June 10, 2024
Smiling man creating his SEO content strategy on his laptop.

If you’ve ever read any of my other blogs about SEO, you know it is my favorite way to grow a business online. So, I’m super excited that you’re curious about how to create an effective SEO content strategy. The thing is before you can do this, you need to have a solid foundation. You…

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Direct vs Organic Traffic: Which Is Best for Growing Your Business?

By Karen Finn, PhD | May 6, 2024
Two women discussing the balance of direct vs organic traffic to grow their business.

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, understanding where your website traffic comes from can make a significant difference in how you strategize for growth. As a small business owner, you need to understand the difference between direct and organic traffic to effectively optimize your online efforts. Direct traffic involves visitors arriving at your site…

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SEO vs Local SEO: How to Know Which You Need for Your Practice

By Karen Finn, PhD | July 13, 2023
Health & wellness professional at her laptop trying to decide between SEO and local SEO to market her business.

As a health or wellness professional with big dreams for your practice, you already know the power of the digital world. You’re no stranger to terms like Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – a magic key that can open doors to better visibility on search engine giants like Google. But have you heard about Local SEO?…

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When is the Positively Best Time for Your Business to Invest in SEO?

By Karen Finn, PhD | June 7, 2023
Man sitting at his computer studying SEO and wondering if now is the time to invest in it.

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is much more than just a buzzword; it’s a key driver for attracting online traffic to your business. And it’s particularly crucial for health and wellness professionals because it directly impacts your visibility among potential clients. But knowing when to invest in SEO can be a challenge to figure out.…

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10 Easy SEO Tips and Tricks You Can Use Right Away

By Karen Finn, PhD | May 3, 2023
Man standing at his computer thinking about how to implement SEO tips and tricks.

If you’ve got a website or blog for your practice, you probably already know that search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for attracting traffic and getting found online. If you’re like most of the health and wellness professionals we work with, you’d probably prefer to be working with your clients or patients instead of keeping…

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5 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your SEO Inbound Marketing Strategies

By Karen Finn, PhD | April 16, 2023
Wellness professional looking at the results of his SEO inbound marketing.

There’s a lot to consider when implementing SEO inbound marketing strategies. So, it’s easy to make mistakes. Here are 5 you’ll want to avoid

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How to Make Content Marketing and SEO Your Best Marketing Tools

By Karen Finn, PhD | March 29, 2023
Business owner creating content for his content marketing and seo strategy.

Are you looking for ways to improve your marketing to grow your business? If so, implementing a combination of content marketing and SEO could be exactly what you need. These techniques can help you reach new customers, improve your brand visibility, and increase your sales. Because some marketers use the terms content marketing and SEO…

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5 Powerful SEO Marketing Skills Every Business Needs To Develop Now

By Karen Finn, PhD | February 12, 2023

Feeling overwhelmed by the ever-changing world of SEO? Here are the SEO marketing skills necessary for every successful SEO strategy.

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5 SEO Marketing Tactics Every Business Needs

By Karen Finn, PhD | January 9, 2023
Laptop displaying a graph showing the effectiveness of various SEO marketing tactics.

Every business owner needs to stay up-to-date on the latest marketing tactics to ensure the success and growth of their company. One tactic that should definitely be on your radar is SEO (search engine optimization). But what is SEO, and why is it so important? Simply put, SEO is the process of optimizing your website…

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10 Things To Know Before Engaging An SEO Marketing Consultant

By Karen Finn, PhD | December 1, 2022
Business owner contemplating hiring an SEO consultant while standing next to her laptop in the middle of her office space.

10 Things To Know Before Engaging An SEO Marketing Consultant If you’re thinking about hiring an SEO consultant, you’ve got one of the following challenges with your website: Your website isn’t generating enough leads Your website is producing leads – they’re just not qualified leads Yeah, the bottom line is you want more visibility and…

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