11 Reasons Why Writing Blogs Will Grow Your Business


These days having a blog for your business should be a no-brainer. Yet many small and medium-sized business owners balk at the idea. They question why writing blogs is so important when there are so many other things vying for their and their employees’ time.

Juggling all the needs of your business can be overwhelming. So, it’s understandable that you might question whether writing blogs is a good time investment.

However, for most small and medium-sized businesses, blogging is one of the cornerstones of their marketing efforts. That’s because blogging fuels their other online marketing efforts

Curious about why writing blogs is so important to business success? These 11 reasons could persuade you to start blogging:

1. 61% of US consumers have made a purchase based on a blog post.

When you write blogs with your ideal client in mind, you’ll have an easier time connecting with them and telling them about your products and services. When you do this well, of course the people who read your posts will want to learn more about your business. And when they learn more, chances increase that they’ll buy from you.

2. 82% of consumers enjoy reading relevant content from brands.

If your ideal clients are consumers, then this is game-changing information to have. Regularly posting relevant content that your ideal customers enjoy reading goes a long way to building the trust needed to convert readers into customers and loyal customers.

However, if your business is a B2B, this may not immediately seem to be interesting data. But when you consider that the buyers you’re trying to reach could (and probably will) enjoy reading relevant content from your brand too, it’s worth creating those blogs.

3. 70% of consumers learn about a company through articles rather than ads.

Have you ever skipped through the ads on TV? Well, it’s the same thing on the internet. Most people ignore the ads in favor of looking at the stuff they want to look at online. And if you write a great blog post people will want to read it when it shows up highly placed in the search engine results instead of reading another ad.

4. Blogging drives traffic to your website.

There are three different ways blogging can get people to visit your site.

First, when you post an interesting link to a blog article on social media, people will click through to your site to read your blog. And when they like what they read, they will share your content with their followers which will put more eyes on your blog post.

Second, when you send a newsletter featuring blog posts or simply include a link to your latest post in your emails, people will click through to your site.

Finally, when you write great content that people read, Google and the other search engines notice. Which means that your content will start ranking for keywords. And when your content ranks for keywords, then it will start showing up in search results so more people can find it.

5. Helps convert traffic into leads.

The key to converting traffic to your blogs into leads is to include a compelling call-to-action (CTA) at the end of the piece. Putting your CTA at the end is important because it allows the reader to focus on the information you’re freely sharing in the post instead of being bombarded by pitches throughout the piece.

What makes a CTA compelling is that you offer a freebie that people will really want. Something that is important to them and that displays your expertise and generosity. And the only way people can get it is to fill in their name and email address and join your leads list.

If you’d complied with the appropriate regulations for using the information the people requesting your freebie give you (think GDPR), then you can continue to nurture them as leads.

6. Helps establish authority by consistently answering the questions your leads and customers have.

One of the great things about writing blogs that answer the questions your customers and leads have is that you’re virtually guaranteed traffic. When your sales team runs into questions from leads, they can easily point them to the information you’ve already provided in the blog post. Having the information readily available lets people know that your business is prepared and ready to support clients.

7. Blogs keep working after you write them.

Blogs rarely go viral and immediately drive lots of traffic to your site. It takes time for people and the search engines to know about the great content you’ve written.

Yet, as more and more people read your piece, it will rise in the search engine rankings. When it rises in the rankings, more people will visit your website.

But there is one caveat to having blog posts work for you over the long-haul. You need to write content that is evergreen. In other words, it doesn’t have an expiration date.

8. Helps leads and clients know there are real people working at your company.

Most people tend to think of companies as big face-less entities that just want to make money. Sure, all businesses want to make money, but by writing blog posts that have personality, you humanize your business.

When potential leads read one of your blog posts, they get to know a little bit about your company. Then when they read more, they grow to like your company. And then, they may even grow to trust your company enough to make that initial purchase.

9. Comments allow you to communicate with visitors.

Adding comments to your blog posts is a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, you open up communication with everyone who has an opinion or question about the post. This can provide you with lots of opportunity to understand more about your market and its needs. It can also allow you another means of building trust with your readers.

On the other hand, when you add comments to your blog posts, you provide an avenue for people to spam your site or hack it. However, when you know these are the possibilities, you can take the appropriate steps to minimize the risk.

10. Opportunity for more internal links.

When you write blogs regularly, you will have content that overlaps in some way. One of the easiest ways to get people to visit multiple posts when they visit your site is to link to related content in each blog.

When you link to other pertinent pages on your site from your blog posts, you’re creating an internal link. When people visit the linked page, you’re improving the performance of the linked page which will start to drive it higher in the search engine results. And when that happens, more people will visit your site.

11. Writing blogs will differentiate your business from your competitors.

Your business has a unique perspective of the market you’re in. When you regularly blog about the questions your clients/customers have, you’re sharing your distinctive expertise. And this will quickly and easily differentiate your business from your competitors in the eyes of every lead and customer who reads your blogs.

Hopefully after reading through the 11 great reasons why writing blogs will grow your business, you’re ready to put together a writing calendar and start producing the blog posts that your market and your online marketing needs.

Need help? We can help make writing blogs for your website a lot easier. Schedule a private call to discuss your blogging needs with one of our content marketing experts.


Karen Finn, PhD