How to Engage the Right Visitors to Your Wellness Website

Two women reviewing the number of website visitors they've had in the last month.

Your website is a great way to promote your business, but it’s not enough to just have a website. You need to attract and engage the right visitors to your website to achieve your goals. Attracting the right visitors to your wellness website is crucial, but how do you keep them engaged once they arrive?

Here are 5 strategies to help you structure and write the content for your website to keep your visitors engaged:

  1. Start with a Powerful Headline

    Your headline is the first impression visitors have of your website. So, it needs to be compelling.

    To create a powerful headline, tap into the benefits your business offers and express them in a way that speaks directly to your target audience.

    For example, a headline like “Transform Your Health and Happiness: The Ultimate Wellness Guide” would be more impactful than a generic headline like “Welcome to Our Wellness Site.” According to the Journal of Marketing Research, headlines that use emotional words, such as happiness and transformation, can have a significant impact on engagement and sharing of content.
  1. Use Compelling Language

    Using language that resonates with your audience is essential to keep them involved with your website. That means you’ll want to engage their senses and speak to their aspirations.

    Using multisensory language to evoke vivid images and emotions can help your website visitors be more interested in your content. The theory as to why this is the case is it’s because we perceive the world around us using multiple senses. And content that reflects multiple senses seems more real.

    To speak to your target audience’s aspirations, you’ll want to use “power” words. “Power” words tap into emotions and can create a sense of urgency and importance around your content. Some examples of power words are “discover,” “proven,” and “secrets.”
  1. Use Storytelling

    People love stories and have since the dawn of time. So it makes sense that if you can craft stories that pull the right visitors into the content on your website they’ll be more likely to interact with you.

    To do this you’ll want to create stories that resonate with your target audience and inspire them to take action. Use language that is easy to understand and relatable, and incorporate metaphors and analogies to help your visitors visualize your message.

    For example, a wellness website could share a success story of a client who transformed their health and happiness by following their program. Research shows that storytelling can increase engagement and interest in content by creating an emotional connection with the audience.

    One of my favorite books on the use of storytelling in marketing is Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller.
  1. Use Clear and Concise Language

    By using simple and straightforward language, you’re more likely to keep the attention of your website visitors. You’ll want to focus on the main benefit or message you want to convey, and avoid using complex language or jargon that can be mind-numbing and confusing to readers.
  1. Use Calls to Action

    You’ll want to have a clear call to action (CTA) on each page of your website. A CTA helps visitors to know what they’re expected to do and gives them the invitation to connect with you.

    For an effective CTA, you’ll want to use language that’s compelling, action-oriented, and specific. As an example, a wellness website could use a CTA like “Transform Your Health Today: Get Started Now!”

I may be biased, but for every business I’ve had and for the success of each of my clients, engaging website visitors has played an enormous role in business growth. And when you use language and storytelling techniques to connect with and engage your target audience you’ll be able to improve the engagement and success of your wellness website. Which, I believe, will help you grow your business.

If you’d like to explore how we can help you increase the traffic to your website, schedule a consultation.


Karen Finn, PhD