How to Develop a Brand Strategy to Support Your Practice’s Growth

Looking down from above a man who is sitting at a desk crafting a brand strategy for his business.

Most health and wellness professionals successfully reach a gross revenue milestone of $100,000 per year without much worry about branding. That’s not to say they don’t market or have a logo, but they typically don’t have the coherence to their marketing that a brand strategy provides. So, if you’re ready to take your business beyond six figures, it’s time to make sure you know how to develop a brand strategy that fits your goals. When you market from the vantage point of your elevated brand strategy, you’ll stand out from the crowd and attract the clients you need to drive your practice’s growth.

Here are the 4 basic steps to developing and implementing your brand strategy:

  1. Understand Your Target Audience

    To develop and create an effective brand strategy, you must deeply understand your target audience. Since your practice is already successful, it will be fairly easy to conduct thorough market research on your favorite clients/patients to identify their demographics, needs, preferences, and pain points. You’ll want to use this knowledge to guide your branding efforts and offerings to meet their specific needs.

    You might even explore using some of these resources and tools you help you gain even more insights into your target audience:
    • Online survey platforms like SurveyMonkey and Google Forms allow you to gather feedback directly from your clients/patients. Using these tools, you can ask them about their motivations for seeking your services, challenges, and desired outcomes. Their answers could be the marketing gold you’re looking for.
    • You can also explore industry reports and studies to understand broader trends and preferences within the health and wellness field. Organizations like the American Holistic Health Association or the Global Wellness Institute can provide valuable resources. And because so many things are changing in the health and wellness field, when you take into account the trends and preferences as you’re developing your brand strategy, you’ll be able to position yourself as a thought leader.
    • Leveraging social media platforms to engage with your target audience and gain insights into their interest and concerns is another fairly easy way to conduct market research. You might think about monitoring discussions in relevant online communities, joining Facebook or LinkedIn groups related to health and wellness, and participating in Twitter chats or Instagram discussions.

    The goal of understanding your target audience is to be able to immerse yourself in their world. By doing so, it’s much, much easier to uncover the information you need to create an effective brand strategy.
  1. Craft a Compelling Brand Identity

    Once you’ve got a clear understanding of your target audience, you’re ready to create a compelling brand identity that really speaks to them. Your brand identity includes elements such as your brand name, logo, color palette, typography, and overall visual style. These elements should reflect the values, personality, and unique selling proposition of your practice.

    Here are some resources and examples to guide you in crafting your branding identity:
    • Logo Design

      Consider hiring a professional graphic designer, using a logo service like 48HoursLogo, or, if you’re feeling really creative, you can design your own logo using online logo design tools like Canva or LogoMaker to create a visually appealing and memorable logo.

      Color Psychology

      Research the psychological associations of colors and choose a color palette that aligns with your practice’s values and the emotions you want to evoke. For example, green is often associated with nature and health, while blue represents trust and calmness. Obviously, both of these colors would work well for a health-related brand.

      Visual Style Guide

      Develop a comprehensive visual style guide that outlines guidelines for consistent imagery, fonts, and design elements across all your marketing materials. This will ensure a cohesive and recognizable brand presence which is really important when you want to grow your practice. It’s by being recognizable and memorable that when someone has an issue you and your practice can help them with they’ll pick you.

      Brand Messaging

      Clear and compelling brand messaging is critical to creating sustained growth. Your messaging needs to communicate your unique value proposition, mission, and the benefits clients can expect from your services. So, you’ll want to use a tone of voice that resonates with your target audience and also conveys your expertise and approachability.

    Remember, your brand identity should evoke trust, credibility, expertise, and authenticity while establishing a deep connection with your target audience.
  1. Position Yourself as an Expert

    You must position yourself as an expert to attract high-paying clients and differentiate yourself from competitors. Establishing yourself as a trusted authority in any health and wellness field will help you build credibility and instill confidence in potential clients/patients. And to do this effectively, you must market.

    Some ways you to establish the authority and expertise your brand strategy requires through marketing include:
    • Content Marketing

      Create a blog on your website and regularly publish informative and valuable articles related to your area of expertise. Share practical tips, industry insights, and success stories that demonstrate your knowledge and experience.

      Guest Blogging

      Seek opportunities to contribute guest articles to reputable health and wellness publications or collaborate with other established practitioners. This will expand your reach and allow you to tap into their audiences.

      Speaking Engagements

      Offer to speak at industry conferences, local events, or webinars to share your expertise with a wider audience. These platforms provide an opportunity to showcase your knowledge, establish yourself as an authority, and connect with potential clients/patients.

      Case Studies

      Develop case studies highlighting successful outcomes from your client/patient engagements. Outline the challenges they faced, the solutions you provided, and the results they achieved. Case studies serve as powerful proof of your expertise and the value you deliver. (Of course, you’ll need to abide by HIPAA guidelines when you do this.)

      Professional Certifications

      Besides the degree(s) and certifications you earned to begin your practice, you’ll want to Invest in continuing education and obtain certifications that showcase your commitment to staying updated with the latest industry trends and best practices. These certifications add credibility and further validate your expertise. (After all, with the rate that things are changing these days no one can sit on their laurels. We must all continue to grow and learn to become even more expert in our chosen fields.)

    By consistently demonstrating your knowledge and expertise through various channels, you’ll attract clients who value your skills and are willing to pay a premium for your services.
  1. Implement a Strong Online Presence

    Having a strong online presence is non-negotiable if you want to grow your practice. You must establish a professional website and leverage digital marketing strategies to reach and engage with your target audience.

    You’ll want to consider all of the following as you’re developing your brand strategy:
    • Website Development

      Invest in a well-designed and user-friendly website that showcases your services, expertise, and client/patient testimonials. You can even use platforms like WordPress or Squarespace to create a professional and visually appealing website without extensive technical knowledge.
    • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

      Optimize your website for search engines to improve its visibility and attract organic traffic. (SEO is a MUST, in my opinion.) Conduct keyword research using tools like SEMrush to identify relevant keywords and incorporate them strategically into your website content.
    • Content Marketing

      Content marketing goes hand-in-hand with SEO. And I want to really encourage you to plan for both in your overall brand strategy. Your content marketing strategy can include things like creating blog posts, videos, podcasts, and infographics to educate and engage your target audience. You’ll want to consistently produce content that addresses their pain points and positions you as a trusted resource. When you create content like this, it will be seen as valuable by your target audience.
    • Social Media Marketing

      Since you already used social media to more deeply understand your target audience, you know where they hang out on social media. It’s on these platforms that you should consider establishing a presence. If you do choose to market on social media, you’ll want to share informative and engaging content, interact with your audience, and maybe even leverage social media advertising to reach a wider audience.
    • Email/SMS Marketing

      You can also use email and SMS marketing to increase visibility. With either, you can regularly send out newsletters, updates, and exclusive offers to nurture your relationships with your clients/patients so they keep your practice in mind.

Having a strong online presence and leveraging digital marketing strategies can help increase your visibility, attract new clients, and position your practice for success.

Developing a brand strategy is critical in growing your health or wellness practice from earning $100,000 to reaching that coveted $1,000,000 milestone. By building on the success you’ve already achieved, your brand strategy can really set you apart from the others in your market.

Building a successful brand strategy takes time, effort, and continuous refinement. So it’s important that you stay committed to delivering exceptional value to your clients/patients as you build your strategy. You’ll also need to adapt to changing market trends and consistently evaluate and optimize your strategies. With determination, continued dedication to serving your clients/patients, and the right brand strategy, you can elevate your practice.


Karen Finn, PhD